Friday 14 October 2011

Shot List and Story board

1a.) Mid shot of a sign that says 'Spy School' - "Directed by...."
1b.) Establishing Shot of school building
1c.) Long Shot of students on bench
1d.) High angle of students walking around school
1e.) Mid shot of hero with wipe transition
1f.) Tracking shot of hero's shoes amongst other pupils

2a.) Mid shot of ID scanner and scans his school ID card
2b.) Close up of ID card
2c.) Shot of hero running through the door, down the corridor
2d.) Extreme close up of door handleas he opens door
2e.) Hero walks in and high fives the nerd, wipes past the camera and camera pans to nerd typing cerdits
2f.) Over the shoulder shot of the nerd typing the credits
2g.) Bad guy is watching hero and nerd on CCTV then turns off screen

3a.) Bad guy trying on different outfits to blend into school

4a) In classroom with hero and the nerd. There talking about the new teacher, a mid shot of the hero talking
4b) a mid shot of the nerd replying to the hero
4c) a mid shot of the hero talking again
4d) a reaction shot of the nerd, the teacher then walks into the room 

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