Tuesday 4 October 2011

Prelim - Action Sequence

This is our prelim video. We had to make a short film including 180 degree rule, match on match action, shot reverse shot and a reaction shot. The 180 degree rule is seen within the talking sequence, match on match shot is seen when the actor is running up the stairs as it cuts from the bottom of the stairs to the top whilst the action is happening, and also when he opens the door the action is matched within the close-up shot. We also added a simple beat using garage band to blend in the audio from each shot and to add tension to the sequence. We used a hoody to add to the mystery of the action sequence, we thought about mise en scene for this. We didn't use any special effects but we used final cut to edit it and added simple fade in from black and out to black transitions.

Cinematography - Alex
Editing - Brad
Music - Jack
Acting - Elliot, Brad and Jack

Below is our final preliminary video -

Problems -

Watching this video back we have noticed a few issues. The first being a editing error within the dialogue sequence, this is because we added a reaction shot, however this didn't fit in with the previous shot as the actor was smiling. Another problem is that our music is not loud enough to be heard, also it is such a simple beat it does not flow with the action on the video. The final error within this video is a continuity error when the first actor opens the door. This is because in the close-up shot he stops opening the door, and then in the reverse shot from within the office the door is slammed open. 

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