In most films there is a challenge or a fight against a force, person or more abstract idea. In our 'film' the plot involves an attempt to destroy the spy school by the 'bad guy. The 'Bad Guy' in this film will be a strong stereotype of how we expect the villain in a movie to look, behave and how he is shown. We decided this would be the best option because in many children’s films there is a very clear divide between good and bad and this is shown by having very strong evil characters. To get across to the audience how this character is the villain of the film we are using strong 'Bad Guy' stereotypes e.g. the mise-en scene of this character will involve a Scar on his face, like Dr evil of Austin powers, because this is a strong symbol that this is a evil character and this will help the audience associate this character as the villain. In one of the shots the character will do an evil laugh this will help build on the idea of him being the villain. We are going to make the set darker around the 'Bad Guy' in comparison to our heroes and this will make the audience instantly recognize him as the evil character in the film. However because it is a children’s film we want to add a comedy element to it this will help make it entertaining and suitable for children, as it will provide a much more positive feel to the movie than if it was all serious, and this character will be the main focus for the humour with funny events happening to him e.g. one of the scenes will involve trying on of silly outfits which will provide a funnier side to the film.
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