Friday 7 October 2011

Children's Film

Children’s film is a genre that is mainly aimed at children, however may contain jokes that appeal to older audience’s as well. Children’s films usually take the form of a happy beginning, followed by a problem, which is usually resolved in a happy ending. As a result, children’s films are usually rated a U, or a PG.


A U rated film should be suitable for audiences aged 4 and older, and be set within a positive moral framework. The Guidelines for a U film are as follows:
  • No discrimination
  • No reverences to illegal drugs
  • Only mild horror
  • No dangerous behaviour
  • Only mild language
  • Occasional natural nudity only
  • Only mild sexual behaviour(e.g. kissing)
  • Only sensitive themes that are appropriate for young children
  • Any violence must be mild and only occasional

An example of a U rated film:


BBFC PG Rating

A PG rated film shouldn’t disturb a child of aged 8 or older, however parents are advised to consider whether the film is appropriate for younger audiences. The guidelines for a PG rated film are as follows:
  • Discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be approved unless clearly disapproved or in an educational context.
  • Must be anti-drugs
  • Any horror must be non-intense and in frequent
  • No detail of potentially dangerous behaviour
  • Only mild language
  • Natural nudity only
  • Implied sexual activity only
  • Must not condone unacceptable behaviour
  • Only moderate violence

An example of a PG rated film:

Madagascar – Escape to Africa

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