Thursday 13 October 2011

Planning of childrens spy movie

 We first talked about what characters we wanted in our spy film. We decided on a bad guy, a nerd and a hero. We then discussed the costumes of the characters. We decided the bad guy should have an eye patch, a scar etc. We then decided that the nerd should have glasses, use a lot of gadgets and should have his shirt buttoned up all the way to the top. The final character in out opening is the hero, which should have nice clothes, be popular, and should always be lit with bright lights to emphasize the fact he is the main character.

We then discussed the narrative for the film. We decided it should be a spy school for young and upcoming spies, with a bad guy who plots to destroy the school, and that he has killed the hero's parents.

We next discussed the music we would use. We decided that the bad guy should have a dark and gloomy sound track, the nerd should have a techno/synth soundtrack, and the hero should have patriotic and up beat music.

After music we discussed the possible themes of the movie. Friendship between the nerd and the hero was one of our decided themes, another theme was a vengeance between the hero and the bad guy.

The locations for the our film include; classrooms, staircases and hallways busy with students and a dark office for the bad guy.

Last of all we discussed special fx, these included lighting and practical titles.

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