Thursday 13 October 2011

Opening Titles

This video is about opening titles in films. The first type of title shown in this video is the use of practical elements to create a title. This is a simple way of using every day items such as food spelling out words or words on a credit card to show who is starring in the film. Using this practical way of titles also helps to introduce the characters lifestyle.

The second type of title is basically using text and making it fade in and out of the video footage. With this method you can use a font that is relevant to the film. You can also introduce the era and add extra information for the viewers using this method.

The third title method is the use of motion graphics with titles. We can gather motion graphics from stock websites such as DigitalJuice or ArtBeats. This makes the titles look professional and more interesting.

We are hoping to use a practical title within our spy film opening. We will include words being typed onto a computer screen as a practical way to display actors and producers names in our opening sequence. We will probably use basic text and fade in and fade outs to display the actual films name.

This is the trailer for stormbreaker it has two different types of titles that we are hoping to use within our opening sequence. The first one is computer screen with the characters ID details. We could use this method and have an ID card with the actors name on it. It would also fit in with the spy school theme we are hoping to achieve. The second title method used in this trailer is the effect of words being typed up onto a computer screen.

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